Community Services NSW / Tips from parents. Working with your Community Services caseworkers
Tips from parents.
Working with your
Community Services caseworkers
Work with your caseworker
It will help your child.
Write your own notes at every meeting.
Take a support person to all meetings.
Some things may be hard to understand.
Ask questions to help you understand.
Ask questions to help you understand.
Information about
your child
There will be lots of information to read.
Ask for all information in a way that helps you.
- large print
- so you can listen to it
- uses every day words. Has photos and pictures
- in sign language
- in a different language.
Get help to know what the information means.
Like take someone with you to the meeting
Like take someone with you to the meeting
You can also ask your
- lawyer
- advocate
- support person
Do not sign any papers when
you do not understand them.
you do not understand them.
Learn new things
- a new parent group
- a new course. It may help get a new job
Community Services will tell you about
- courses
- programs.
Call Community Services caseworker when you can not go.
Do things to help yourself.
Look for courses you can do.
Look for courses you can do.
Ask for help to find things on their website.
Write a list of all the
- services you work with
- courses you do
More tips
Do not yell at your case worker
Do not swear at your case worker.
Do not swear at your case worker.
Go to all your meetings.
Go to all the contact visits with your child.
Write them in a diary or in your phone.
More information
This fact sheet is general information.
It may not be the same for you.
Talk to a lawyer about
It may not be the same for you.
Talk to a lawyer about
- your own child
- your family.
This fact sheet was made by
- The WASH House
- The Ability Rights Centre. A service of IDRS
- a Parent Advisory Group, 2020.
We have used images from
We have used images from
- ChangePeople
- Inspired Services
- Mayer-Johnson
- Participics
- Picto-Selector
Access Easy English helped The WASH House write the Easy English.
March 2020.
March 2020.
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