Rights / You want to make a complaint. It is about NSW Community Services
You want to make a complaint. It is about NSW Community Services
You may not agree with
- what Community Services says about your family
- how they talk to your family.
You may think Community Services
- did not tell you what you need to know
- did not let you have a support person
- do not keep your child safe.
You have the right to make a complaint.
A complaint is when you think
- something is wrong
and - staff do not listen to you.
It is like a problem
It is a big problem.
How to make a complaint?
You need to tell someone.
You need to tell someone.
You can get help to make your complaint. Like
- from a lawyer
- from an advocate.
It may cost you no money.
Start with Step 1.
Can this person help you?
Yes. Good.
Your complaint is fixed.
Your complaint is fixed.
You can stop now.
You are done.
You are done.
No. Go to the next step.
- Talk to your case worker
- Talk to your case workers boss
Talk to Community Services Complaints
Call ...... 1800 000 164
Email ...... complaints@facs.nsw.gov.au
Talk to the NSW Ombudsman
Call ...... 1800 451 524
Tell them you want to make a complaint.
Get help to make a complaint.
Talk to
- a lawyer
or - an advocate.
More information
This fact sheet is general information.
It may not be the same for you.
Talk to a lawyer about
It may not be the same for you.
Talk to a lawyer about
- your own child
- your family.
This fact sheet was made by
- The WASH House
- The Ability Rights Centre. A service of IDRS
- a Parent Advisory Group, 2020.
We have used images from
We have used images from
- ChangePeople
- Compic
- Inspired Services
- Mayer-Johnson
- Participics
- Picto-Selector
- Spectronics
Access Easy English helped The WASH House write the Easy English.
February 2020.
February 2020.
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