Who can help? / What is a support person?

What is a support person?

A support person can
- come to meetings with you
- come to Court
- tell you what things mean

- help you understand your choices

A support person can be a
- friend
- other family
- social worker.

Who is a good support person?

It is someone who
- knows you well
- you trust
- can understand you
- can tell you things so you can understand it.

They need to
- be a good listener
- stay calm.

They also need to know how
Community Services work.
Community Services work.

The Ability Rights Centre may be able to help you with a support person.

Call Ability Rights Centre.
Ask about a support person for Childrens Court.
Call 02 9265 6350.
Ask about a support person for Childrens Court.
Call 02 9265 6350.

More information

This fact sheet is general information.
It may not be the same for you.
Talk to a lawyer about
It may not be the same for you.
Talk to a lawyer about
- your own child
- your family.

This fact sheet was made by
- The WASH House
- The Ability Rights Centre. A service of IDRS
- a Parent Advisory Group, 2020.

We have used images from
We have used images from
- ChangePeople
- Mayer-Johnson
- Picto-Selector

Access Easy English helped The WASH House write the Easy English.
February 2020.
February 2020.
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